Surf Stats's Dashboard

Total Players
Total Maps
Total Bonuses
Total Completions
Hours Played
Recent 10 Map Records
Username Map Time Date
koko surf_axiom2 00:00:45.609375 2024/01/02 (03:49)
koko surf_axiom2 00:00:45.714843 2024/01/02 (02:42)
koko surf_axiom2 00:00:45.726562 2024/01/02 (00:35)
koko surf_axiom2 00:00:45.761718 2023/12/31 (13:10)
IM JUST HERE FOR THE MEMES 69 69 surf_stonks 00:01:06.667968 2023/12/29 (14:41)
Butters!!! surf_cavemissile_fix 00:00:49.898437 2023/12/29 (13:23)
Butters!!! surf_cavemissile_fix 00:00:50.625000 2023/12/29 (13:21)
Butters!!! surf_mjk 00:00:28.417968 2023/12/29 (13:08)
Butters!!! surf_orthodox_fix 00:02:59.460937 2023/12/29 (12:50)
Theshycamel surf_occur 00:06:51.199218 2023/12/27 (23:08)
Top 10 Players
# Username Points Maps Bonuses Stages
1. Tealeaf 226,128 314 209 1,437
2. eXydos 209,382 287 246 1,259
3. ᴛꜱ٠ jnssurf ツ 150,599 126 193 647
4. yugboon 123,810 205 121 1,207
5. Theshycamel 123,383 144 69 842
6. cody 79,222 218 155 826
7. Noah 77,981 81 57 485
8. Aтσмιк0.js 74,516 160 143 594
9. IM JUST HERE FOR THE MEMES 69 69 64,102 111 117 572
10. dawn 61,615 72 100 251
Top 10 WR holders
# Username WRs Finished Maps
1. eXydos 60 287
2. Tealeaf 53 314
3. dawn 46 72
4. ᴛꜱ٠ jnssurf ツ 39 126
5. Theshycamel 36 144
6. Noah 31 81
7. Goosums 29 133
8. yugboon 18 205
9. cndr^ 12 22
10. Aтσмιк0.js 12 160
Top 10 bonus WR Holders
# Username WRs Finished Bonuses
1. ᴛꜱ٠ jnssurf ツ 94 193
2. dawn 78 100
3. Tealeaf 53 209
4. eXydos 47 246
5. Formal 39 143
6. Noah 39 57
7. Aтσмιк0.js 24 143
8. [SG] Poobah 21 80
9. bumblebee boss bitch #39 18 20
10. koko 14 71
Top 10 stage WR holders
# Username WRs Finished Stages
1. Tealeaf 352 1,437
2. eXydos 270 1,259
3. ᴛꜱ٠ jnssurf ツ 161 647
4. Noah 130 485
5. bumblebee boss bitch #39 106 131
6. Theshycamel 70 842
7. dawn 65 251
8. yugboon 60 1,207
9. vessakoira 44 62
10. IM JUST HERE FOR THE MEMES 69 69 42 572
Recently added maps
Map Tier Type Bonus Added
surf_not_so_sinister 2 Staged (5) No Bonus 668 days ago
surf_oompa_loompa 4 Null Null 668 days ago
surf_orbion 4 Staged (6) No Bonus 668 days ago
surf_ori_l 3 Linear No Bonus 668 days ago
surf_orthodox_fix 2 Staged (16) 4 668 days ago
surf_our 5 Linear 4 668 days ago
surf_overgrowth 4 Staged (5) 2 668 days ago
surf_overgrowth2 5 Staged (5) 2 668 days ago
surf_paddy 1 Staged (4) 2 668 days ago
surf_pagoda 3 Linear 3 668 days ago

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